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Maintaining Health Insurance Coverage and Closing the Coverage Gaps
In 2023, the Foundation tracked the state's efforts to mitigate the impact of the unwinding of public health emergency measures and supported our partners to meet the challenge of a complex redetermination process.

We redirected our Coverage and Care grantmaking strategy to support the re-enrollment process with grants totaling $600,000 to 10 community-based organizations. These organizations serve Massachusetts residents most at risk of losing coverage, including older adults, people with disabilities, those whose primary language is not English, and those who live in remote areas of the state. With these funds, organizations assist those who are uninsured and support MassHealth members who need to renew their health coverage as the state unwinds the pandemic-era continuous coverage requirements.
We highlighted opportunities the state is taking to expand MassHealth's impact on equity and offered policy options to inform a statewide conversation about closing the remaining coverage gaps in Massachusetts.
Behind the Data: Voices of the Uninsured
We shared the stories of individuals directly impacted by these coverage gaps to help bring life to data about how structural barriers can affect racial and ethnic disparities in health insurance coverage.